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Supply chain: European and Slovak legal framework

  • Event

Seminar series | 10.10. 2024 | 10:00 – 11:30 | online

Seminarreihe 1

This event is part of a series of four online seminars organised in cooperation with Eversheds Sutherland. The central theme of the series is the Due Diligence in the Supply Chain Act (LkSG). All webinars are held in English. Participants can attend any webinar without needing to attend the others.


Topic: Supply chain: European and Slovak legal framework


Description: Overwiew on the EU Directive on Supply chain and the German Act on Supply Chain (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz) and their relevance for Slovak suppliers.


Speaker: Mag. Bernhard Hager, LL.M. | Managing Partner | Eversheds Sutherland

Contact person:

The event is organised in cooperation with:

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